
What a difference a day-glo
In your little condo, quando
I shoot em out of the sky as they flurry by
they lie there a while
bleedin out their sutff
then theyre all dried up
or anvils
anvils of wisdom

use to try to fecth em home
but they'd be dead hulks
all dried up til i got there
shoostin the flurries, watchen im bleed

things are viewed differently when about to be taken interally

Find that wimmin & skelp her doup.

* * *

It might be your song, but it's our finger.
Sean went to Ireland, loves NYC.
Gary, an enigma wrapped in a morass.

It's not having what you want, it's wanting what you have.
:squints like walter brennan:

A TUNGBONER is a term used to describe the erection that occurs while performing cunnilingus, while a BONE TUNG is what the recipient yearns for after an extended session of clitoral stimulation

somebody calls local state cops
can you catch up with us and run blockage
black car with a green glow thing on it
85 mph westbound, flying through the night
hurtling down the sure kill expressway
bound for the city of brotherly love
and the state cops come out in cars and helicopters
heading westbound

The trouble with getting old is that you start to care what old farts think.
Even if you keep your edge, when you get old your edge gets crusty.
Remember that so you can take it out of context later.

a circular pan inspires futility
. . . like Ray Milland with the x ray eyes screaming after clawing out his own eyes:

"I can still see!"

An absolutely necessary part of a writer's equipment, almost as necessary as talent, is the ability to stand up under punishment, both the punishment the world hands out and the punishment he inflicts upon himself. - Irwin Shaw

Writing is a struggle between presence and absence. - Lu Ji

The task of a writer consists of being able to make something out of an idea. -Thomas Mann

Getting even is one reason for writing. - William Gass

Close the door. Write with _no one_ looking over your shoulder. Don't try to figure out what other people want to hear from you; figure out what you have to say. It's the one and only thing you have to offer. - Barbara Kingsolver

Pay no attention to what the critics say; there has never been set up a statue in honor of a critic. Jean Sibelius

Critics are like eunuchs in a harem: they know how it's done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves. - Brendan Francis Behan

Asking a working writer what he feels about critics is like asking a lamp-post what it feels about dogs. - John Osborne

It's those damn critics again. - Irwin Shaw

There's an enormous difference between being a critic and a reviewer. The reviewer reacts to the experience of that book. - Christopher Lehmann-Haupt

I am forced to say that I have many fiercer critics than myself. - Irwin Shaw

By and large, the critics and readers gave me an affirmed sense of my identity as a writer. You might know this within yourself, but to have it affirmed by others is of utmost importance. Writing is, after all, a form of communication. - Ralph Ellison

Abraham Lincoln, in a book review "People who like this sort of thing will find this the sort of thing they like."

The writer is always tricking the reader into listening to their dream. - Joan Didion

When I sit at my table to write, I never know what it's going to be until I'm under way. I trust in inspiration, which sometimes comes and sometimes doesn't. But I don't sit back waiting for it. I work every day. - Alberto Moravia

2/93/03 Last night I was doing some agonizing instead of sleeping, if you were a NASA official and you knew that a big hunk of ice or something had damaged the tiles and if you knew that the crew was doomed from the start . . . Would you tell 'em? And if so, why? If you were one of crew would you want to spend sixteen days knowing you were doomed? Would the knowledge impair your ability to conduct your work? Should there be a dock up there where tiles can be repaired? Should there always be an empty shuttle up there ready to roll in case yours gets damaged?

An absolutely necessary part of a writer's equipment, almost as necessary as talent, is the ability to stand up under punishment, both the punishment the world hands out and the punishment he inflicts upon himself. - Irwin Shaw

Writing is a struggle between presence and absence. - Lu Ji

The task of a writer consists of being able to make something out of an idea. -Thomas Mann

Getting even is one reason for writing. - William Gass

Close the door. Write with _no one_ looking over your shoulder. Don't try to figure out what other people want to hear from you; figure out what you have to say. It's the one and only thing you have to offer. - Barbara Kingsolver

Pay no attention to what the critics say; there has never been set up a statue in honor of a critic. Jean Sibelius

Critics are like eunuchs in a harem: they know how it's done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves. - Brendan Francis Behan

Asking a working writer what he feels about critics is like asking a lamp-post what it feels about dogs. - John Osborne

It's those damn critics again. - Irwin Shaw

There's an enormous difference between being a critic and a reviewer. The reviewer reacts to the experience of that book. - Christopher Lehmann-Haupt

I am forced to say that I have many fiercer critics than myself. - Irwin Shaw

By and large, the critics and readers gave me an affirmed sense of my identity as a writer. You might know this within yourself, but to have it affirmed by others is of utmost importance. Writing is, after all, a form of communication. - Ralph Ellison

Abraham Lincoln, in a book review "People who like this sort of thing will find this the sort of thing they like."

Writing, at its best, is a lonely life. Organizations for writers palliate the writer's loneliness, but I doubt if they improve his writing. He grows in public stature as he sheds his loneliness and often his work deteriorates. For he does his work alone and if he is a good enough writer he must face eternity, or the lack of it, each day. - Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961), U.S. author.

"If this family needs any head-holdin-up done, I'll tend to it myself" -- Will Varner

"A guy's gotta have a best friend." -- Wally Cleaver

I think of an author as somebody who goes into the marketplace and puts down his rug and says, "I will tell you a story," and then he passes the hat. - Robertson Davies (1913-1995), Canadian novelist, journalist.

Western culture is funny: A BOOBY fetish is normal, but high heels squashing kitties? No-o-o-o. The observation was initially envisioned as such: A BOOBY fetish is 'normal' yet we scoff at the long necks and big lips of other cultures. The coarse humor comes out more quickly. Zilla got mad plenty of times. But Zilla simmered down. Some folks think Crahl's endless boil is self-indulgent. Crahl don't see it as being self indulgent. He thinks of it as being pure. Self indulgence as purity. Now there's a convenient notion. Well, he's an Old Glory, ain't he. An 'endangered speeshee'. He holds great store in preserving what's left of his breed. Fuck him. We're all the last of our breeds. Maybe if he wernt so obsessed with purity his speeshee wouldn't be endangered.

DEEP CLEAVAGE AND STRONG SCOTCH Electronica guaranteed to get her in the mood

it aint the meat it's the motion
size does matter

spice channel still scrambled
i thought they were boobies but i was looking at knees

Some of you guys already know where I stand, I've shot my mouth off on lots of these 'world affairs' threads and go read 'em if you want to know specifics. For those not inclined to do that here's the Cliff Note, courtesy of THX: "If you cut him he'll bleed red white and blue" and what may appear to y'all to be arrogance is simply a lack of patience to debate politics with those of you who think America is soon gonna drop a 'hydrogen bomb' because 'they've done it before'. That established, my beef with US policy is that the policy-makers have now had 30 years to lead the world in development of alternative energy sources, but NoOOOO, the oil companies STILL rule the roost. Big oil knows its time is running out, as soon as the oil's gone lots of wealthy folks will need to change careers, but regardless, those folks won't be satisfied until ALL the oil is gone. Not til then, (and until boxcars of immigrants begin to pour into your country instead of ours, and until we're the ONLY country with weapons of mass destruction), will the United States become "inward-thinking and isolationist" It's like the loggers down to the last acre of redwoods who scream how their kids will go hungry if they don't get to cut down that last acre. My country should be LEADING THE WORLD in developing cheap & clean fuel and the best it's been able to do since Jimmy Carter was ridiculed off the scene is elect Bill Clinton, (who saved a bunch of redwoods from the loggers). So if the US won't ever get it together, and apparently they won't, why don't some of you OTHER countries lead the world in the development of alternative energy? Save the world from us arrogant Oil Barons & our hydrogen bombs.

I often fall asleep to these endless musical ideas that sound wonderful and perfectly do-able but they disappear when I make any move to rouse myself from bed, much less fire up musical equipment or even bedside tape recorders. So I guess what I'd like to see (at an affordable price) is one of them direct-from-brain-to-midi or brainwave-to-synth interfaces I heard so much about in the 80s. :music: .

That voice saying 'Number Nine' was taken from a 'Royal Academy Of Music' examination tape. Though it sounds a lot like Ringo, it isn't..

I saw an in-game screenshot from DOOM III. It looked absolutely unhinged-- Fat demons with butcher aprons and chainsaws . . . Return to Wolfenstein looks amazing on my buddy's computer with the 128 meg video card .

I have somewhere a paperback from the early to mid seventies called 'Subliminal Seduction'. It's illustrated with advertising photos purported to contain erotic imagery, the idea being that 'sex sells'.

There's a guy who put together 20 or so versions of the Grateful Dead playing Dark Star into one big super version, so's you have Jerry in 1969 playing alongside Jerry in 1985 etc

Date: December 01, 2002 08:13 AM Author: johnny To all you sweet folks who sent prayers and beamed positive energy to us this last year, I want to let you know that my dad gave up the ghost this morning at 10:45. We were all there and the sun was shining and it's a brisk and beautiful morning. Our family thanks you all for your support. You all take care. Love, johnny, faith & family

The Kingdom of Heaven is within you.
God lives in laughter

Year after year
on the monkey's face
a monkey face - BASHO

All shall be well
and all shall be well
and all manner of things shall be well . . .
Julian Of Norwich

Astonishing! Everything is intelligent!
We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts we make the world.
The Buddha

There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so.
William Shakespeare

All truths wait in all things.
Walt Whitman

I and my Father are one
John 10:30

Lift the stone and you will find me;
cleave the wood and I am there.

It is found again. What?
Eternity. It is the sea,
mingling with the sun.

it loved to happen
marcus aurelius

not knowing that one knows is best.
Lao Tsu

Want not, hurt not.

Intuition is the eye of wisdom .
Wonder. go ahead and wonder.

What I dream and what dreams me,
the process wilts under scrutiny.

A stone is frozen music.

The world of dew
Is the world of dew,
And yet, and yet--

I saw my Lord with the eye of the Heart. I said: "Who are you?" He answered: "You."

Johnny: "Well God, I guess it's just you and me."
God: "Actually, it's just Me."

Date: November 29, 2002 12:15 PM I learned of this from Iron Feather Journal's latest mailing, here's more news from there: IRON FEATHER JOURNAL E-MAIL NEWzLETTER --+-------------------------------=------------+--------- heryza any of your creative folkz: mega greets to you, hope this finds ye having a smile upon your face and a peace in your head and something good in u're tummy. this event has me inspired and i hope it gets you inspired to bust out your tape recorder, computer or whatever and contribute something interesting..... theze folkz in Austria are busting out in their artshow this weekend and you can contribute some of your audio to the show which will be broadcast in Austria... see: http://ironfeather.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ikonboard.cgi?act=ST&f=3&t=6 for full on details i think we are going to make a wacked out mix radio show tonite and post it on hyperreal.org/music/drip as well as send them a CD in the mails via air mail if anyone else here has any phreaky audio to add contact them directly. if you are in lanzing drop mail pronto (before tonight) to be on our CD. cheers ! Stevyn
Hi all (english below) un projet sympa est ouvert a tous.... archive, live, original ou remix.... son de toute ordre et de toute origine pour un mix mondial qui peut etre vraimment interesant. suit toute les info en englais seulement....desole mais je ne me lance pas dans une traduction.... web / http://kunstradio.at et http://www.aec.at faire circuler...../... RADIOTOPIA Radioactive Communi(ty)cation on air ? on line ? on site Radio in its many forms is still the most globally accessible medium for both local and long-range communication and information sharing. In the digital age, it is often dismissed as an outdated technology, and yet millions of people turn on and tune in worldwide. Despite the current configuration of radio (often limited by commercialization and state regulation), radio has great potential as a tool that can reach out across cities and remote areas alike as a means for building local and international community. Transmitters can be easily assembled from readily available technologies, enabling radio to operate independently and to be community-based, experimental, political; giving voice to those who are rarely or never heard in the mounting commercial static of corporate globalization. These transmitters may not have a wide range but when networked by any and all means available, their impact can be amplified. Radiotopia will be, literally, a radio-place; instead of the homogenized drone of corporatized globalization, Radiotopia will be the sound of a varied world, emanating from people engaged in widely diverse cultural practices. Initiated by the AEC and coproduced with OE 1 KUNSTRADIO, RADIOTOPIA proposes to create a temporary network aimed at linking disparate parts of the globe on many realtime and virtual levels, creating a multi-media network grounded in radio transception (both sending and receiving), culminating in a large open-air installation and an overnight broadcast (Long Night of Radio Art) during the Ars Electronica Festival 2002. The Ars Electronica Center and Festival for Art, Technology and Society, Linz, Austria was established in 1979 as an open meeting-place for artists, scientists and researchers. The Ars Electronica Festival is one of the most important festivals for electronic art and media theory. The festival 2002 focuses on the blind spots of globalization with UNPLUGGED, theme indicative of how the issue of the political element in art has returned with a vengeance to the agendas of intellectual discourse and artistic practice. Artists of all fields and from all over the world are invited to become participants/nodes in this network. There are many ways of communicating/participating/exchanging: - INPUT: Send your sounds/poems/scores etc. in a pre-recorded form to Kunstradio via snail mail (on cassettes, CDs, MDs) or Internet (live streams, files, images) or send your texts/poems/statements (in all languages) in a written form to: ORF Kunstradio Argentinierstr. 30a A ? 1040 Vienna Austria Phone. ++431 50101 18277 or ++43 732 7272 60 Fax: ++431 50101 18065 Email: kunstradio@thing.at or radiotopia@aec.at http://kunstradio.at http://www.aec.at
- TRANSFORMATION: Become a node in the network by collecting part of the sound inputs from the project website, from shortwave services, or from participating local, community, pirate or national radio broadcasts, and process/remix these sounds to re-input into the network. - OUTPUT: Create your on own on-air or on-site version of the project: broadcast sounds from the network on your radio station or stream from your website; or incorporate sounds into a public concert or installation. Combinations of all the above mentioned are possible and very welcome. Mixing, re-mixing, re-broadcasting etc may also happen before and after the period of the Ars Electronica Festival) CONTENT: All kinds of sounds are welcome; however, to help create the unique soundimage of Radiotopia - Radio as a worldwide medium for communication/exchange/dialogue supporting and amplifying the often unheard multiplicity of voices-- we propose a strong language or vocal element in your contributions. Diverse and regional voices also includes the "voices" of specific landscapes, cityscapes, and ecosystems around the world. We may attempt to classify your contributions on the homepage of the project according to their emotional atmosphere, their type of language (human everyday, poetic etc., environmental sounds, urban rhythms etc) to make your contributions easily accessible to those musicians, sound artists and radio artists who will be composing on-site, on-air and on-line versions of the project during the Ars Electronica Festival. You are invited to classify your own contribution. TECHNICAL ASPECTS: The main platform of the project will be a website which serves several purposes: - it will offer informations on the project and depict its progress. - it will make all individual contributions accessible worldwide in low tech formats and if possible high quality sound formats. - it will feature live webcasts and their documentations from all the versions of the project rendered on-site and on-air during the festival - it will host documentation and archiving of the project, allowing interested people to continue mixing and re-mixing beyond the timeframe of the Ars Electronica Festival. All of the incoming contributions, also those arriving by letter or cassette, CD etc will be put on this webpage and thereby become part of the projects archive. The versions planned so far for realisation during the renowned international Ars Electronica Festival (taking place for the 23rd time in Linz/A from the 8th to the 12th of September 2002) on site: - specially invited international musicians/sound artists will compose open-air mixes using submitted and streamed audio material to be presented on a huge loudspeaker system along the banks of the river Danube at Linz/Austria, in front of the Brucknerhaus, one of the main venues of the Ars Electronica Festival. Webcasts and "soundreports" of these versions will be available on the project website - live and as documentation. on air: - an overnight radio art broadcast live on the National Austrian Radio on the September 10th (11pm CEST ? 5:00 am CEST) will have artistst/musicians present in the studio composing your contributions into a very unusual many hours long radio-event. This event will be streamed live online and documented afterwards. on line: (as above) The on-site and on-air events of/at the Ars Electronica Festival will be webcast and documented on the website of the project, which will become an archive of all submitted contributions, as well as their different uses in either the installations or the radio broadcasts by fellow artists during the festival and after.... -- mailto:androvirus@noisiv.org www.noisiv.org www.androvirus.noisiv.org www.nomusic.org

Date: November 29, 2002 05:24 AM Here: (((NOMUSIC TOURNAMENT))) -< Audio live only via Network - No archiv - Free pass >- -< 24h Continuous Trans Audio Distant Travel >- -< Connection only on http://www.nomusic.org >- -< Stream Live Audio Mp3 & Real© >- The fourth edition of the "Tour of the electronic World of the audio flux experimental in Network" will have place of Tuesday 10 to Wednesday December 11, 2002 ( Paris Time GMT+01:00) lasting 24 heures forming a terrestrial revolution completes "online" without interruption. Stream start : 10th December 2002 (19h00 / 07:00pm) Stream end :-11th December 2002 (19h00 / 07:00pm) [GMT+01:00 - CET - French Time] * (((NOMUSIC TOURNAMENT))) is a platform for audio diffusion via Internet dedicated to performers. Interventions come from several countries and follow each other in a regular manner at the rate of one person per hour. The development of this Network is aimed at promoting experimentation and creation. The contributions are disseminated from different countries with each participant being allocated one hour in sequence. NOMUSIC co-ordinates the interface for these different geographical point without any interruption, moving the audience during 24 hours from one country to the other, without "jet-lag". No audio data is kept, the aim being to favour live performance throught the different stream technique in simple, multi or co-"stream (*flux). The axis of development is not to constitute one dead data basis on hard disk, but to be determinedly a movement on the web where each author becomes an available data and a geophysical site that constitutes a visible tie thus during one terrestrial complete revolution foxglove. The "Tournament" is a sound joust continues without winners, without confrontations. The goal is not the confrontation but the sharing of the "knowledge" perceptible at the time of the tournament and that one carries away like a trace anchored in the human memory. The audit is in the physical non representation and the perpetual movement of the source, in the combination of the flux, their continuity, to the service of the transportation, of the report, and of the experience of the new virtual worlds to define itself/themselves temporarily. It is under this aegis that laboiteblanche and Carl.Ys have found www.nomusic.org in June 2001: platform mobile "Free" audio. *HISTORY : Tournament Live Relay (distant) : 10/09/2002 : NOMUSIC Tournament IV - World [WWW] 10/09/2002 : NOMUSIC Tournament III - World [WWW] 10/04/2002 : NOMUSIC Tournament II - World [WWW] 18/12/2001 : NOMUSIC Tournament I - Europe [WWW] -Live Festival Audio Relay (local) : 30/06/2002 : DIENSTBAR-FESTIVAL – Acud Remise - Berlin [GE] 16/01/2002 : MELTING MEDIA PROJECT 003 - Acud Remise - Berlin [GE] -Live Duplex Audio Relay (local+distant) : 20/11/2001 : Carl.Y<>laboiteblanche - Mulhouse<>Nizza [FR] -Live Single Audio Relay (distant) : 02/02/2002 : Duo Bille - Strasbourg [FR] 29/01/2002 : laboiteblanche - Nizza [FR] 06/11/2001 : Carl. Y - Mulhouse [FR] 30/10/2001 : Joachim Montessuis – Strasbourg [FR] 23/10/2001 : Noisiv - Berlin [GE] 16/10/2001 : laboiteblanche - Nizza [FR]

Date: July 28, 2002 03:21 AM I suspect that ol' Phil is voicing his frustration over those among you who seem to think that the world would somehow be a better place if the United States wasn't in it. He probably wonders what you think would rush in to fill the void-- Niceworld? Friendlyville? I suspect he's put off by the naivete he perceives here. When I was a hippie in the 60s it was just assumed by my crowd that if only 'the Establishment' was torn down it would be replaced by something far less ugly and we'd be on our way to a kinder, gentler world. I no longer believe that. Quite the contrary. I now believe that something far uglier would replace the United States, in a hurry. If you see a disproportionate amount of violence, neglect and so forth in this country maybe it's because we lift the lamp to the wretched refuse of your teeming shores. And I might add here that if it weren't for the US you'd all be either blond haired & blue-eyed, or soap. George Dubya ain't perfect but he's no Hitler or Bin Laden or Hussein or Pol Pot or Idi fucking Amin. Maybe Phil's just frustrated because some of you kids haven't seen enough to know you got it good. "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me. I lift my lamp beside the golden door." God Bless America Now let's all have a hug

What no wife of a writer can ever understand is that a writer is working when he's staring out the window. - Rudolph Erich Rascoe

I'm not a big believer in disciplined writers. What does discipline mean? The writer who forces himself to sit down and write for seven hours every day might be wasting those seven hours if he's not in the mood and doesn't feel the juice. I don't discipline equals creativity. - Bret Easton Ellis

Writing is a form of therapy; sometimes I wonder how all those who do not write, compose or paint can manage to escape the madness, melancholia, the panic fear which is inherent in a human situation. - Graham Greene The writer is always tricking the reader into listening to their dream. - Joan Didion

When I sit at my table to write, I never know what it's going to be until I'm under way. I trust in inspiration, which sometimes comes and sometimes doesn't. But I don't sit back waiting for it. I work every day. - Alberto Moravia

Any kid today who has a good thing to say about his father is a non-conformist -- Ward Cleaver

Rewriting is like scrubbing the basement floor with a toothbrush. - Pete Murphy

"You can't pray a lie."-- Mark Twain

EDNA JUST POINTED (at her arm again)


pay me a nickel
i'll be your nickel tweeper

Rules for Old Ladies:
1. Licorice - after it's stale, break it into little pieces
2. Offer only 3.00/hr. for chores, but have some stale cookies on hand
3. Keep the fridge full of awful sugar water tea

* * *

Steak In A Candy Dish


* * *

Synchronicity = A Splash Of Mesh

Confidin: A brand new relationship restorer. Two pills will make your husband show his emotions.

* * *

. . . Like Broderick Crawford in 'Born Yesterday'
A Turd in a Gilded Rage

* * *

Cradle Days

"When love is concerned, it is easier to renounce a feeling than to give up a habit." -- Proust

* * *

LISSU 7 call Misty
"Rakastan teijän musaa"


* * *

Every morning I do my yoga and think 'I'm gonna commit less violence on the world today' and by the end of the day I've crammed all sorts of violent junk into my own body. Just yesterday I wolfed down pizza topped with chunks of chickens and then I watched 'The Shield' on FX .
The irony bludgeons . . .

* * *

"There was something terrible in me sometimes at night I could see it grinning at me I could see it through them grinning at me through their faces" -- Wm Faulkner, The Sound & The Fury

* * *

ritual satisfaction

a lick and a promise

the three candle opera

* * *

He'll tell you how things used to be and while nobody really believes him the draw sustenance from the notion of it, especially when preacher's voice is so rich and sustenant like church bells on a sundy morning from two miles of misty corn and alfalfa fields away only then one o' them church bells suddenly harmonizes a wrong note and you realize that the mode has been wrong the whole time. .

* * *

Hy Times and his Misty Meaners

"Concidentata Vaginatorium"

I'd give up but what's the use?

replay by ken grimwood

* * *

joan of ark of the coven & tucket sleigh ride the high country music is your only friend of the devil in a blue dressed to kill bill of the sale of the century twenty one is the lonliest number nine number nine teen eighty for your love me do not crossroads diverge in a narrow wood pecker head trip the light fantastic four square peg in a round hole in one day in the life of the party doll house of the rising sun goddess of love me like a rock and roll

* * *

Tripover Stump
Three Sheets To The Wind

* * *

World Full Of No

* * *

"Some of the machinery would be left ( . . . ) gaunt, staring motionless, wheels rising from mounds of brick rubble and ragged weeds with a quality profound, astonishing, and gutted boilers lifting their rusting and unsmoking stacks with an air stubborn, baffled and bemused upon a stumppocked scene of profound and peaceful desolation, umplowed, untilled, gutting slowly into red and choked ravines beneath the long quiet rains of autumn." --Faulkner

* * *

. . . does anyone even remember firefly, with its single free homepage and mailbox (cause nobody much had their own email address or internet accounts in those days--or computers for that matter--we simply went to the home of our friends who did have internet service) and its frothy confection of home-made rooms, bubbling in and out of existence. i know they lost their coffee cup logoish familiarity was replaced by the red corporate slash and the dreaded 'venue' concept. i remember. my introduction to the internet. a swell, homey, warm and oh so friendly introduction. oh well, you cant go home again.

* * *

twilight hands

* * *

to be honest casette wise after slogging thru the eighties transferring stuff to a medium now proved to be unstable i got stalled in the year 1991, curiously enogh during my 40th birthday party, the day we all did mushrooms and my folks put my dog to sleep . . . What are you doing down there? Say! It involved this overpowering feeling that came over me of everything being one. It was cool at first, certain of my friends were merging with other friends and I saw that it was the same light shining through them. Then folks began to merge more and more quickly-- so & so with so & so and he with she and suddenly everybody I knew was being revealed to share the same soul. So it got kind of scary, and I began to feel kind of lonely . . . I remember asking God to 'at least keep my wife separate' . . . but no, swwoooooop -- she was sucked up into this collective soul as well. . . . Finally it was just me and God, and, feeling fairly overwhelmed with emotion, I said as much. I said, "Well God, I guess it's just you and me." And for the only time in my life God spoke to me directly. I heard His voice: He said, "Actually, it's only me." When I got out of the dentist's office I immediately told my wife, who was waiting in the car. When I got home I attempted to reproduce it with scant success. Over the years I catch a tail of that feeling and produce another track about it . . . but I've yet to capture it as it was . . . Maybe someday I'll need another root canal lol

* * *

Rude Hod & Stringbean
Mister Tenderball
a sneer in your tone

Fast when you're happy,
Sad when you're slow

Thanks for healing me
Thanks for creating corruption

* * *

Flaming Wagon Wheel
Brake & Alignment Service

* * *

Drunken Sailor
Mowing Service

* * *

joseph szabo - 'teenage'

james thurber

henry james

A waterfall of words

Roaring drunk through a full moon tidal shift

As an event your party succeeded; as an entity it missed the mark.

Someone stole the tie that binds

Snuggsa Buggsa

Weekends gleam in urgency of word and deed Bring on the beer and diversion, for there is no finer backdrop for the tentative gesture

We ride those amber waves, sucking sustenance from circumstance

We are real and thus mark our reality We are incomplete, and thus mark our mortality

Hold the reins, chaos reigns Chaos buffets

I want your face

The Huge Rugged Inn

Well we've all kilt a bear in the forest Or that's what I've read in the trees

I was mindin my business Bidin' my time When the soft wind played you On the front porch chime

I'm too old to learn and ain't good at teachin

I'm feeling the fear but I don't like preachin'

I ain't a pencil pusher, can't jockey a plow

If heartaches was money, I'd be gold

I'm just a bum goin' think in the nignt Thinkin' what's wrong, thinkin' what's right

chit chattin'over a stale cookie

Every time I punch the Tao it punches me back Everything is jerking off Putting your tongue there? Jerking off Bargaining with Jesus? Jerking off Exploring the sore again and again?

Compulse! Rejulse! Revulse!

Sacriligious Orifice Sacrifice

Do fear to interfere
Do not tempt to attempt

Fear to interfere
Tempt Not To Attempt
The Grody Road To ParSat B

Tis not golden to embolden

Fear Plenty

Confront (the deep)
Defend (til the end)
Off End
Off Topic Endgame

Topic Game
To pick to aim
A rude, crude 'tude
Confer, defer, offer
to pick, to aim
off topic, endgame
skittish around your karma?
I trod the grody road from here to gone
capiton soju, mon capiton
mouthful of sand

from here to sickly end and gone
clutching the cooler bony hand
mouthful of sand, I tread the trail
from here to sickly gone
mouthful of sand I tell the tale
of Capitan Soju, Mon Capitan
Erotic Karate
Midas Welby
Your dead kin lookin' out your cat's eyes.
Now I'm inside you and I am blind. Be somebody.
there's a Christ-like moon up in the sky and grief streaks in your baby's eyes
Union is dissolution, but cuddles in the morning?

Streams long unsailed and sails a bit more tattered when unfurled

Passing time whispers. I fall into the sunrise.

When the last dollar bill is long gone
And the next round of bills is long due
And friends just don't call anymore
That's when I start thinking of you

What's the point?
You'll never see the point til it leaves your body

You wearing your obsession
And me wearing my X of scar tissue
We stand in the trail
And indicate each other once again

Still the adrenalin blossom
Nothing yet torn or traded away

You and me walking by the river
going down spinning splashin'
breathing in springtime
breathing as one

snowflakes sparkle on your hair and face
like beautiful tears, they never leave a trace
they fade like fears in dawn's embrace

hemlocks, snow, the sound of the river
goin down spinnin splashin
spirit is a prism
and we're breathin as one
so what do ya get when you shut your gob?
you get a lot of shut up gob . . .

if ya don't want me to punch ya stop askin

and you, shambling from one crook of her finger to the next dwell clings to the awesome depths of your infatuation

a manifestation of her conjuring i remain, even tho she's waved her hand to make me vanish

i want to crawl out of my skin

it's not that bad, she said, reality like stones in her eyes

record 'pee & a Poo'

lovely rita meter maid to order in the court of the crimson king henry the 8th i am the eggman o' war, huh, what is it good for what it's worthwhile strolling thru the park one day tripper

'the truck that delivers the PortaPotties is always the prettiest'

dancin' around and around alone like a little bent over footie, nobody with whom to share joy because everybody else was huggin' everybody else

Oh, in doobie doubly, my gad moon

Oat Lice, Testosterone & The Breadman

Grott, Irk, Tummy and me visited the ruins, walked down the center of the crick, snake regards to bruttway, jup the jiggins, choused from the quarry, killed the ground hog with a rock. drug the ground hog to the old ladies

what a night. it's not fit fer man nor tummy well, at least we'll have a white christmas a pretty slim christmas if ya ask me. where's will?

yesterday and today is the first day of the rest of your life story time for a change of heart broken arrow shirt sleeve

i believe in you are my sunshine of your love is a battlefield band of brothers in arms

i believe in you are my lucky star man o' war wagon train to san antone

country file:
it's not loooovvvvee
and its not infatuation
it's not neediness compassion or ennui
it's not sympathy or pity i see comin down
the pike
it's kind of like a kinder time of like

Me casa su casa grande dame edith head trip the light fantastic four play room with a view to a killing me softly

down to the no zip sorting bin laden

somewhere in the leaning garden of babble which lies in that state of blur between suicidal sobriety and drunken oblivion . . .

Capitan Soju

[here a Korean inflected chorus singing in English to the tune of 'We Are Siamese If You Please' from that Disney cartoon flick ('Lady & The Tramp'?) . . . but after the first three lines the melody sinks smoothly and sing-songily into a kind of cadenced narrative]:

I am Captain Soju if you please
I am Captain Soju if you don't please
I am Captain Soju if you please please me like

I please please mister postman always rings twice bitten off more than a feeling groovy kind of love can build a bridge over troubled water

water under the bridge too far away in your beautiful beautiful balloon you skinny little anhedonic dipsomaniac, pulling yourself up the stair rail hand over hand like it really did hurt that night you boogie nights in white satin dolled up country girl

whiskey boot goin down down

come hither
come helling
and her telling claire
I can't stand that sawdust casanova

He isn't good for anything

Except he's good for sticking wedges in between you
and anything you want to accomplish
and he's good at hating the stuff you like

If you like trees, no more trees
If you like books, no more books

If you like your dog he'll kill it on your birthday
Capitan Soju
Mon Capitan
Shut yer gob
You Better

. . . and dont even try to enlighten these jokels about it because as soon as you use a word like 'microcosm' the one who just had a stroke'll say 'doo doo' and throw his palm at you and after words the losers in the bunch will substitute the phrase DOY DEE DOY for 'doo doo' and from then on every time there's more than two of 'em together and you use a big word they'll look at you and then each other and go DOY DEE DOY - DOY DEE DOY and at least one of 'em'll bug his eyes at ya and start making the coo coo sign and then they'll be laughing and coo cooing and doy dee doying til the only thing to do is kill 'em or start laughing so hard it hurts. it feels so good to laugh . . . s'wunnaful


Capitan Soju
I love ya, man

Shut yer gob!
You Better . . . .

come hither
come helling
you better

I am Captain Soju if you please
I am Captain Soju if you don't please
("Shut yer gob!")
I am Captain Soju of First Water And Purest Ray Serene
("You Better . . . . ")

Drunken oblivion or suicidal sobriety
The Choice Is Yours
Capitan Soju

Mon Capitan

a hunk of squiggle pokes up a shoot . . .
grains and brains

and the intensely communicative human profiles in the clouds above and in the coralbell's distant pink flowerheads and years ago in the school ceiling tiles where tobey tossed his compass and pencils up to stick and under which displayed your first rubber, blowing it up and flubbing it like an he was playing an upright bass then letting it go to swoop by the health teacher's head like a sprawling chase sputtle . . . .

* * *

lovely rita meter maid to order in the court of the crimson king henry the 8th i am the eggman o' war, huh, what is it good for what it's worthwhile strolling thru the park one day tripper 'the truck that delivers the PortaPotties is always the prettiest' dancin' around and around alone like a little bent over footie, nobody with whom to share joy because everybody else was huggin' everybody else Oh, in doobie doubly, my gad moon Oat Lice, Testosterone & The Breadman Grott, Irk, Tummy and me visited the ruins, walked down the center of the crick, snake regards to bruttway, jup the jiggins, choused from the quarry, killed the ground hog with a rock. drug the ground hog to the old ladies what a night. it's not fit fer man nor tummy well, at least we'll have a white christmas a pretty slim christmas if ya ask me. where's will? pointy tongue dancing re pointy teeth yesterday and today is the first day of the rest of your life story time for a change of heart broken arrow shirt sleeve i believe in you are my sunshine of your love is a battlefield band of brothers in arms i believe in you are my lucky star man o' war wagon train to san antone

* * *

Recent Dreams

The Eagle
I was mowing the back yard west of the grape arbor and came upon a depression in the ground that held an eagle. It was very large, black & white, huge yellow talons twice as large as my hands. It was just laying there motionless. When I looked closer I saw long scabby gashes under its wings. Its body was covered with little flies. There was a hole the size of a silver dollar in its middle and flies were going in and coming out of this hole. I felt sad and looked away but just as I did I saw it move. It was still alive

Kristen Davis & The Microplane
Me and Faith lived in a stone house. We worked on the maintenance crew of an estate. Kristen Davis was our supervisor. She's there talking to us, but she's saying incomprehensible syllables. I can't understand her. But she's the supervisor so I follow her to a shed. Double wooden doors open and she comes out in a little bitty airplane. Wingspan maybe five feet. Open wooden benches. Like a toy plane. But it flies. I get in the back and Kristen pilots in silver pants. It leaves the ground. No seat belts, I almost fall out. She takes it over a hump and the earth falls away and way below is a large body of water and hills and trees. We are towing a little red cart. We land and hook up lots of little red carts

I stood in shadows at a pay phone in a scene that looked like it was xeroxed from a letter Bill once sent. He told me over the phone that he'd be away for five more years at least

* * *

do you wait to share your world? do you wish to share your world?
for whom? with whom?
how often do you wait and wish this way?
is it a jonse?
is the bb or chatroom a
or multiplayer deathmatch like quick fix?
like a coffee or sugar fix? i quit drinking coffee because i was hooked on that vanilla hazlenut hydrogenated diabetes trans-fatty always thirsty cinnamon hearts atlantis morriscone bad & the ugly - (homer)mmmmmm. Sssconnnnnnnnnnes(/homer)and developed leg pain so i started coffee again only now with honey

* * *

"I may have invented it, but Bill made it famous" -- David Bradley, Ctrl-Alt-Delete inventor.

Rain Check
Chain Wreck
Train Wreck
Rain Trek

You are what you do

Every time I believe something firmly somebody comes along and shakes my firmth

You disrespected something older and far more reliable than yourself. Namely my shotgun.

The town called 'Faith'.

crazy sympathetic vibe w/tracy
tracy synchronicity

the good soldier
by ford maddox ford thurnley abbey
by perceval landaon aneurhythm

galoot - an uncouth fellow, a lout


Toddy's friends listening to 'Yes'

You know how you can listen to Mark Isham's 'Mrs. Soffel' soundtrack and think of snow without ever having seen the movie, or how Miles can make you feel alone in the city even if you've never left the farm?

Gus MacCrae didn't go into the Dry Bean and lament to Dish and Wanz about how he didn't have health insurance.

Brother Dave's 30 year devotion to health insurance didn't do him a lot of good. Brother Dave's mousy brown studebaker with the prestige ashtray
Brother Dave's Rambler Ambassador convertible

The Man In The Green Car, Mr. Fanelli

Debbie Dubbs
Maybelle Dubbs

Late 89. LSD - While crashing in Mike's living room we listened to 'Our House' and cried. Within a year we were living there.

The thing we fear the most has already happened to us

I dreamed that Grandma got her pilots license and took me and faith on an airplane ride, over cities, it was wonderful. circled to land, perfect landing in this long long giant building with wooden floor with railroad tracks. we touch down along the tracks just at the end of the building. we cheer and applaud. from behind a pile of stuff at the end comes a giant old duck creature who tries to scare us off. he bites my arm. then he waddles away, shooing little creatures off ahead of him. I pick up a rusty old hook for which to punch any more who might bite me. A man come up and warns me not to do that. A door opens at the end of the building upon some kind of ball or cotillion, where many large well-dressed bird-like creatures are dancing . . .

* * *

State Of Blur

Darlene Adams
Betty and Bobby Hartz

Daniel painted on the art gallery door, and those arstyfartsy doofii painted over it.

Today I Kissed A Princess & Peed Like A King

Gordon to Vickers: "Jump In, Follow & Learn"

Clergy, Magnus Chord


Yellow Sweatshirt with Al Albert's Showcase '70 magic markered on the front

Cory Seaman in an accident.

Rode with him to Leesport Fire Hall. He asked if I was a chain smoker. That was my first visit to the Leesport Fire Hall. Not to be the last . . .

Blond girl with leather pants
Offended guy "Take Off That Chaggit"

Terry M. protect me from Swavely, who hated longhairs

I drummed for the band Quintessent Finality
After the band went home I'd teach myself to play guitar on The Silvertone electric through Al's 'Sex' amp.
E minor over and over again . . . joni mitchel's 'Woodstock'
Em Am Em Am
Later, in 1970, I picked up the bass . . . .

Mr. Mull & Mr. Geiss

Who was the old guy who sat in Trautman's?

Who was the first Manlady?

I'm not half as much of an a**hole as I pretend I am.

I figured Mick & Donald would someday team up to sell burgers

The Penn Valley Hotel was a place where either everybody but you was under age and the LCB would raid the joint, spraying kids all through the surrounding cornfields
Or, you'd show up at 2:00 in the morning and the floor would be sloshing with beer and there's no women, young horny drunk boys and one of them staggers up and demands a cover charge

AJ bought me a set of drums

* * *

Prologue -- It was a party. the camera tracked out through a window, moving back til the window framed but one face, and that face slowly became bleached white and ugly. In the next scene we were back inside at the party. It was a big gathering in a huge house with lots of rooms and cubby holes and courtyards, and even a chapel. I realized something was scary wrong, because the partyers . . . some of them had extremely white faces, and caused in me an oppressive sense of evil and foreboding. I ran thru the chapel and saw that on one side sat ten to twelve people with chalk white faces. They'd been there all night. I pretended I didn't notice but, back at the party I casually got Faith and said, 'Let's go for a walk' As we walked I told her something was wrong. We passed Army guys with guns mounted on tripods shooting pink foam across a field at fleeing whitefaces. This foam killed them. In the distance behind the field a city was in flames. The sky there was red. My friend Joel the physical therapist drove up and said, "It's nuts at the hospital." Then he ran off on some urgent business. Back at the party one whiteface was giving a speech and hung up the hollow shell of a large green wormlike creature. I realized that the life stuff of the worms entered people and made them whitefaces. On a tray nearby was a huge pile of rare 'blue cocaine'. I knew the end of humanity was near so I snorted all of it, or as much as I could. We got into a car a drove thru streets that were full of whitefaces. They tried to stop the car but we passengers got out and smashed them with ball peen hammers. In the final scene i was running down this trail. At a bridge that spanned two huge crashing bodies of water the camera pulled back and a words came up that said END OF PART ONE

* * *

Bob Keeshan died. Captain Kangaroo. Got me thinking about my first television experiences: Winky Dink - plastic sheet went on the tv screen and you could crayon along with the show Ding Dong School - Miss Frances Howdy Doody - Bob Keeshan played Clarabelle Sally Starr's Popeye Theater - featuring Clutch Cargo, with his pals Spinner & Paddlefoot (later, a similar cartoon -- lifelike mouths in motionless bodies -- only this one set in outer space, with a bearded guy named Taurus) Space Ranger, I think Kookla, Fran & Ollie Captain Kangaroo - was Mr. Greenjeans REALLY Zappa's uncle? Pixanne - short haired Peter Pan type Gene London - fun projects . . . I am So Old . . . Now I have the urge to google Gene London to find out if he was just a hippie, or was he really gay

* * *

Why is it funny when on The Simpsons Lisa takes a TV Dinner out of the freezer and the name on the box is 'Portion Time'? I mean, I laughed hard when I saw it but I don't know why I laughed. Was there an exclamation point after the word 'Time' and that's why?

* * *

Here's how I remember it: We heard at Carl's weekly Metaphysical Meeting that a heavy band was playing at the bandshell that weekend, so I met Grod & Marge at the Mission, beneath the big red 'JESUS SAVES' light, and we set out for City Park.

We walked up Penn Street, joining many long haired, love-beaded kids who hung around the Head Shops that lined the south side of the street: The Perelandra. The Earth Shop. The corporate Upper Story. And near the Adults-Only Park Theater, the AS IS Shop. Each store carried cool clothes and black light posters and old records and rolling papers and a few copies of Reading's own street sheet, the Iconoclast.

We all had a copy. The Iconoclast.

'OFF THE PIGS ! ! ! POWER TO THE PEOPLE ! ! !' was the headline of the current issue.

It was a half bottle of Ripple from AS IS to City Park. About thirty of us arrived at once. A bunch of kids were already there, and more coming in behind us, joints in their mouths, paper cups in their hands, rolled up ICONOCLASTS peeking out of their back pockets. The name of the band was 'Poison'; the members wore black leather jackets emblazoned with skulls and crossbones. They served up loud, scowly Steppenwolf: "--America, where are you now, don't you care about your sons and daughters? Don't you know we need you now, we can't fight alone against the MONSTER--" Well, the powers that beed in those days decided that here was a good opportunity to serve up some arrest warrants. Suddenly undercover police officers were everywhere, pushing through the benches, attempting to serve these warrants. "Nobody move!" one of 'em scowled loudly, a guy with 'Sun-In' or 'Summer Blond' tinting his hair, an ersatz surfer bum or Beach Boy. "Nobody move!" Naturally, anybody carrying a nickelbag of stems and seeds jumped and ran, and that was pretty much everybody. Chaos ensued. Uniformed police appeared from a paddy wagon down the hill. Then something happened. Maybe a band member hollered something from the stage, maybe not, but the air changed. Chaos coalesced, and shouts of 'OFF THE PIGS!!' and 'POWER TO THE PEOPLE!!' suddenly blistered the air so loudly you couldnt even hear the band anymore. I watched as these hippies actually turned and charged the police van. "OFF THE PIGS!" "POWER TO THE PEOPLE!" In the middle of this pandemononium a tearful girlie grabbed my arm, crying, 'They have my boyfriend!' I followed her to a grassy hill that looked down on the street. There i saw about fifty kids crowding the paddy wagon. A few of them began to push it from side to side And-- Bloonk. A tear gas cannister hit the grass at my feet. The cannister wasn't doing much, just smoking a little, so I tossed it into the pond in front of the bandshell. The next one splashed into the water without my assistance. Eventually a cloud of gas wafted up the hill, a real eye-burner. But it simply drew more enraged hippies. They threw bottles, brandished rolled-up Iconoclasts. The girl let go of my arm and dove into the crowd. More gas grenades flew. "(cough)THE PIGS!" "P-(OWW!)-ER TO THE PEOPLE!" I left the park opposite the flow of bodies and ran into my buddy DB. His MG was parked nearby so after dropping off an acid casualty who "just wanted to go home" we drove on to Topp's on Lancaster Avenue for a burger and a grape soda. There was a picture in the Eagle the following day-- a flock of long haired bellbottomed kids roaring down the street to City Hall to confront the Mayor. According to the accompanying article they didnt off any pigs that night, but they did break a window, and some street lights.

* * *

The Leesport Fire Hall Friday Night Dance- Snookie Himmelberger and the Marauders - "Baby Let Me Bang Your Box" - "A lutta guys I know died for that Chagged" - Swavely Ruzzes, Terry M. plays guardian angel - Two days later at my first visit to the Hamburg Field House the first person I see is Terry M. who tells me, "That guy Swavely is here with about a dozen black guys." The band was Pat Farrel and the Believers. They'd played the Field House weekly forever, but that was about to change. They were about to begin alternating weeks with a new outfit called The Steam Machine. We loved the Steam Machine, me and Heff and Billis and Smitty and some others. Everybody loved them, soon they were playing weekly. The band they edged out later became a country band called Pat Garret and the Straight Shooters.

* * *

"Toes in the dust, kickin' up the road
I kissed her on the lips, so groovy and gold" --Eric Anderson

* * *

The Burn Band Escapade The Penn Valley Hotel was a place where either everybody but you was under age and the LCB would raid the joint, spraying kids all through the surrounding cornfields Or, you'd show up at 2:00 in the morning and the floor would be sloshing with beer and there's no women, young horny drunk boys and one of them staggers up and demands a cover charge

* * *

from Brother Dave, 1998:
"Gary, remember this:
'Weeeeeeeeeed the row. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeed the row.'"?

* * *

Gordon Mountain a line of cars face scratched
Sean's - squatting in the swamp north of the pond - a little blue girl with black eyes
Farm - ball of light
Robesonia Road - Debbie May's horse's head
Marge S - Yanked the cover off, oppressive
Marge D - Got in the back seat
Mikes - Got in his mouth
Galen Hall

* * *

Okay, so I've realized that I'm not going to read every book I ever wanted to read. I'm not even going to read every book on my shelf. Today I read from The Study And Practice Of Yoga by Harvey Day, A Newsweek dating from November, The Buffalo Hunters by Mari Sandoz, a 1950's era Sears & Roebuck Catalog. I looked for and found The Tao Of Physics and accounted for The Dancing Wu-Li Masters (I like to keep those two handy) and I contemplated taking up Katie Fox And The Fox Taylor Record, by W. G. Langworthy Taylor. Soon Entertainment Weekly will arrive, and Vanity Fair.

* * *

Sam Peckenpah wrote and directed a couple of 'Rifleman' episodes

* * *

Mr. Whelp
When Parasites Eat Us
Asian Script Kiddies
A paroxysm of preening? A paroxysm of perpetuate-the-species-ism? Ego? Id-Id-Id?

* * *

Hazy Days \ Tweed Ring Battle Of The Bands

One night the Hazy Days played the Explorer Dance at the Bernville Fire Hall. That Afternoon Kenny and Steve split a case of sixteen ounce Yuenglings while setting up the instruments and doing the sound check.

The Bernville Firehall had a stage in the back up above and wooden stairs leading down to the place where they once had a movie theater but now housed old fire memorabilia. Written, printed and scrawled on the wall along the stairway were signatures. So and so graduated in such and such a year. So and so loves so and so. It was a little local history lesson. Somebody painted over it.

Our band Quintessent Finality staged a sword fight during a performance at the Leesport Fire Hall. Somebody later stole the swords.

Slanted bytes tailored for specific outlets.

I Find Adventure In My Heart

Combinant Rex

Positense - the drug to keep you happy and now

small - medium - flarise

1/10 earlier Grandpa always said, "Give a man luck, and Shit'll do for brains". He also said, "If the dog hadn't stop to piss he would've caught the rabbit" I told him about the dog stopping at the pond to admire the bone in the mouth of his reflection, then trying to take the bone away from the reflection and ending up dropping his bone into the pond

Louis Luchesi
Dave Student
Sam NoloBartolo
Bernville Clinic Jacket (hypo) Hell on wheels patch

Forest Rangers in Kashmir

I see no hatred here that isn't of the "needful-faithful-needless-hateful" variety

* * *

Smooth Belly & The Bitty-bites

Slow Slow Catchee Monkee


No Thing To No People


Bablooga Floogristle
Rogue Combustion
Spum Sputum
Cranial Obligation
Smiley Brunette
Gettin in to gettin into it

You can pull a chain , but you can't push it

Poodle On My Noodle

Meatworld is where the boys got murdered and the three Reinsel brothers one by one commited suicide and 9/11 happened.

courtesy: the internet

............,/¯../ /
.........../..../ /
('(...´...´.... ¯_/'...'/
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4/20/03 Meatfinger


SONGS FOR MEN (theme: smokin the bitch, with 'for mature adults only' warning)
Spamborilly & Roses
Subliminal Seduction
Mayhymn & Other Hymns
The Happy Headphone

* * *

Marcy Doutrich On Penn St.
Everybody Cruising Penn Street
The Symmetric Lady

* * *

But I bucked no crooked wheel, and I nicked no bucket creel. There was this obsession to compartmentalize.

* * *

have a soothing image for when i'm on my deathbed - - chuck connors. chuck connors hangin' with grandpa. Moccasins And Awkward Feathers Watersinner Fundless Iron Tracks Worthy Poor The Medicine Lodge Treaty - Summer 1867 From the Platte To The Yellowstone Winter Sundogs Papery Old Indian Butterfly Creature One you kill for meat and robes, the other you kill for shields. Shields?

"How does" "the electron" "jump" "shells"?

World Full Of No
KeyPunch Trainee
bleached white sea of misborn bones
wintercounts (years, moons?)
Many Moons

And a goofier passel of thin skinned prima donnas i have never seen

Hey there Big Burner, how about the ozone? Scrubbers on the smokestacks, aint no turnin back baby's pullin bootstraps, pullin jackboot straps Walkin', walkin, down the ecologic corridor Another Star Spangled Rendezvous Another domino hits the floor Eat a boney pulley wolley anita gillette Rita Jenrette arickeree fork Why would God want to be praised so much? What's so great about being praised? I'm frequently praised and I'll tell you right now, the effects of being praised are fleeting. Especially when I'm being praised by fervent bar room drunks, among the more wretched of our huddled masses

* * *

Synch Tracks - Themes & Motives

* * *

Strange Eon Junction

* * *

Poke it with a think tack

* * *

Works in Progress

SONGS FOR MEN (theme: smokin the bitch, with 'for mature adults only' warning)

Spamborilly & Roses

Subliminal Seduction


Mayhymn & Other Hymns

The Happy Headphone

The papery old Indian butterfly creature
fx4flix - Synch Tracks and Think Tacks
The Mist - Stephen King
Red Dirt Marijuana - Terry Southern
It's a Good Day
Light Of Other Days

Anthony's Brassy Day
Anthony's Brassy Day
There's nothing left but our town
and Anthony

There's nothing left but our town
Anthony Thought the world away.In us, the
universe repeats over and over again its ability to produce forms through which it becomes consciously aware of itself

The Hadron Bootstrap and the Elusive Concept of Observation

The Surly bonds
"Just let me die.":
"Take care of your mother."

The forces holding particles together are
themselves the particles exchanged.
Pervading while embracing.

Fundament Rex

The Monad's Window

The Sudhana Network

The S-Matrix Cross Channel

Eternity In An Hour

Little Big Monad

Monad's Gonads



* * *

Marcy Doutrich on Penn St. - Me and Heff and Billis offered her a ride out of town and back again. She approached us for a ride because I flashed the peace sign.

(see "Cruising Penn Street", "The Symmetric Lady")

* * *

Me and some guys leaving the Touchdown and spotting Chubby on the sidewalk, Brother Dave, knowing that Chubby dissed us for being rural, stuck his head out of the car and yelled 'Thank God I'm A Country Boy' and we all started singing . . .

(Brother Dave - see "Uncle Meat", "First Black Light", "Rambler Ambassador Convertible" "Mousey Brown Studebaker" "Congratulations for breaking a clay pigeon in half with one pellet from a 12 guage blast", David Peel & The Lower East Side, Velvet Underground, the ability to follow a conversation from across a crowded noisy room, wouldn't cross the line, even under duress)

* * *

00 - Blues 01 - Classic Rock 02 - Country 03 - Dance 04 - Disco 05 - Funk 06 - Grunge 07 - Hip-Hop 08 - Jazz 09 - Metal 10 - New Age 11 - Oldies 12 - Other 13 - Pop 14 - R&B 15 - Rap 16 - Reggae 17 - Rock 18 - Techno 19 - Industrial 20 - Alternative 21 - Ska 22 - Death Metal 23 - Pranks 24 - Soundtrack 25 - Euro-Techno 26 - Ambient 27 - Trip-Hop 28 - Vocal 29 - Jazz+Funk 30 - Fusion 31 - Trance 32 - Classical 33 - Instrumental 34 - Acid 35 - House 36 - Game 37 - Sound Clip 38 - Gospel 39 - Noise 40 - Alternative Rock 41 - Bass 43 - Punk 44 - Space 45 - Meditative 46 - Instrumental Pop 47 - Instrumental Rock 48 - Ethnic 49 - Gothic 50 - Darkwave 51 - Techno-Industrial 52 - Electronic 53 - Pop-Folk 54 - Eurodance 55 - Dream 56 - Southern Rock 57 - Comedy 58 - Cult 59 - Gangsta 60 - Top 40 61 - Christian Rap 62 - Pop/Funk 63 - Jungle 64 - Native US 65 - Cabaret 66 - New Wave 67 - Psychadelic 68 - Rave 69 - Showtunes 70 - Trailer 71 - Lo-Fi 72 - Tribal 73 - Acid Punk 74 - Acid Jazz 75 - Polka 76 - Retro 77 - Musical 78 - Rock & Roll 79 - Hard Rock 80 - Folk 81 - Folk-Rock 82 - National Folk 83 - Swing 84 - Fast Fusion 85 - Bebop 86 - Latin 87 - Revival 88 - Celtic 89 - Bluegrass 90 - Avantgarde 91 - Gothic Rock 92 - Progressive Rock 93 - Psychedelic Rock 94 - Symphonic Rock 95 - Slow Rock 96 - Big Band 97 - Chorus 98 - Easy Listening 99 - Acoustic 100 - Humour 101 - Speech 102 - Chanson 103 - Opera 104 - Chamber Music 105 - Sonata 106 - Symphony 107 - Booty Bass 108 - Primus 109 - Porn Groove 110 - Satire 111 - Slow Jam 112 - Club 113 - Tango 114 - Samba 115 - Folklore 116 - Ballad 117 - Power Ballad 118 - Rhytmic Soul 119 - Freestyle 120 - Duet 121 - Punk Rock 122 - Drum Solo 123 - Acapella 124 - Euro-House 125 - Dance Hall 126 - Goa 127 - Drum & Bass 128 - Club-House 129 - Hardcore 130 - Terror 131 - Indie 132 - BritPop 133 - Negerpunk 134 - Polsk Punk 135 - Beat 136 - Christian Gangsta 137 - Heavy Metal 138 - Black Metal 139 - Crossover 140 - Contemporary C 141 - Christian Rock 142 - Merengue 143 - Salsa 144 - Thrash Metal 145 - Anime 146 - JPop 147 - SynthPop

* * *

A million bright yellowcake ambassadors of morning

* * *

Poke it with a think tack

* * *

Every Man's a King

Third Eye In Bethlehem

Village Stop

Heaven In Kutztown

* * *

Green Cathedrals
A hazy green headphone outing from LoveCraft's Adjectives

Dozing out-of-doors on a summer's afternoon.
featuring "A Nabbla Dee" A Nabbla Dee Keebza Dugda Wee Bud a NUN YUNNA Dee Keebs EFFER BUDDY WEE

* * *

"Car don't know what lap it's on."

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Does success make a better man?

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Sticks For Bugs

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Gropin' along like a grumblin' grumbleweed.

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* * *

Free Range Rude
Cross John Real

* * *

Horses, by Cormac McCarthy
Lock Stock and two smoking barrels
Strange Eon Drive, LoveCraft's Adjectives
April Foam

* * *

does anyone even remember firefly, with its single free homepage and mailbox (cause nobody much had their own email address or internet accounts in those days--or computers for that matter--we simply went to the home of our friends who did have internet service) and its frothy confection of home-made rooms, bubbling in and out of existence. i know they lost their coffee cup logoish familiarity was replaced by the red corporate slash and the dreaded 'venue' concept. i remember. my introduction to the internet. a swell, homey, warm and oh so friendly introduction. oh well, you cant go home again.

* * *

PHIL'S DREAM: He was in a hotel room with his two daughters. A menace in the sky appears. It forms and keeps changing from scene to scene. Sister bringing a wagon load of strangers, gypsies turning into frog people, a face in campfire coals that when the kids ran by giggling grabbed on to them and turned into an evil filthy disgusting thing. Phil hurried up the trail after this piece of evil. There was a big log cabin. A big door opened and a giant with a black rivetted mask appears. He looks anguished. A Big Gate

JOHNNY'S DREAM: A leaky research facility. We researchers find a vinyl 33 rpm record. It's mis-labled. One of them puts it on a turntable and lowers the needle. It's a recording of people screaming. As the screams fill the room blue glowing ghosts appear. They look like worms with segmented bodies and needle noses and they begin to inflict pain on the researchers. Jabbing and burrowing. The researchers scream for the guy to turn it off and after long anguished moments he finally does. When the researchers wonder why he didn't lift the tone arm sooner he responds, "I lifted it immediately when you told me to. It was only playing for one second."
Word then comes via radio that a storm is approaching. A hole appears in the roof. Rain begins to hit us. One researcher laments, 'This is expensive equipment". Another says, "Let it get wet". We all take refuge in the row of closets that line the far wall.


Mandrake Memorial
Village Stop
American Dream
Steam Machine
Idyllic Spectrum
PA Crude
Barefoot Robin & the ODB


The Touchdown Douchetown
Lower End
Ponderosa Wernersville
Penn Valley

* * *

re Quantum Mechanics:
Why do we ask "How Does" when we mean "Why Cant I See".
"How Does" "The Electron" "Jump" "Shells"?
The electron, the jump and the shells are all in our minds. We invented them to account for stuff we noticed.

Well, why can't we notice more?
Because we don't do enough yoga.

* * *

What's the most perfect or nearly perfect piece of music (in any genre) that you have heard so far this month? I'm going with Bach's 'Little' Fugue in Gm . . . Walter(Wendy)Carlos version

"The only people who don't make mistakes are the ones that don't do nothin'" -- Dale Inman, Petty Enterprises

The 50s: Climbing laboriously from my crib at my sister's suggestion to sneak through my folks' bedroom and peek into the living room to see who was screaming (Fay Wray) and why (King Kong).

Finding a cardboard horse (just a body that somehow slung between your legs . . .

The Mary Janes

Hitting My Head

Slowly, slowly everyone

The Man In The Green Car

driving into the garage with uncle fred the road is bocked

the horse that reared back on to its tail

moving to the farm, rolling in the grass

getting sparky, the miniature collie

the Kite girl say: Ooooh, sexy, when I took off my shirt.

The 60s - the Cuban missle crisis
clarification to follow

* * *

With the joy of responsibility comes the burden of obligation
--Hank Hill.

writer's block leads to fabulous doodles
failed novels lead to bad poetry

* * *

Regular Guys from pop culture around whom eccentrics gather:

Archie Andrews
Dobie Gillis
Andy Taylor
Richie Cunningham
Jerry Seinfeld

Wild eyed & wide aisled.

Lenny: "Gee, Homer. You'd think somebody with two wives
would be happy."

Carl: "No, you're thinking of two knives".

Today -- Places Revisited:


The world needs assholes to help keep the perfects in line.

Book is fast, Crahl is mean

The Door is a Jar? Well count your lucking blessies, because
the Court is a Journed!

A Stick In Your Craw

The Grim Reaper Module

Before Luke I never saw the good stuff or the bad stuff
I never noticed if something was funny or sad

A Calamity of Errors

Dolly: Is that what you read in your tea leaves and lie berries?

This is all paraphrased because I was only halfway paying attention til the end, but did you see on Bravo where Sharon Stone was being interviewed in front of a small audience by this bookish sort who apparently suddenly confronts his libido while saying something like, 'I understand that in high school you weren't invited to the prom' & she answers 'that's correct' and then after some talk he blurts, 'I'd have invited you'. And she starts to giggle and giggle and says 'Easy to say that now' and he starts in laughing 'cause her giggle is so infectious and now the audience starts in and everybodys giggling and in mid-giggle she adds
' . . . Then I could go home and say the retarded boy invited me.'
And she's just crimson, like she can't believe what she just said but she can't stop giggling.
The moment was at once both unreal and hyper-real. I saw it happen to a weatherman once, a little cartoon image of this weather man marched across the screen wearing some goofy St. Patrick's outfit and the sight of this on his moniter sent him into the mother of all gigglefits. I busted a gut laughing in sympathy because I saw what he was seeing from that moment on. The universe had become absurd. The maps behind him would change, and the little numbers would appear disappear and they were absurd, and the little weather symbols - the whole weather forecast experience was rendered absurd while he was caught in this gigglefit and the Universe had become Absurd w/ a capital A - It just happened to me the other week. My mom gave me some of my dad's China-Burma-India Veterans Association liquor stash that she didn't want and one bottle was marked Tequila but after enough beers I couldn't tell Tequila from Corn Squeezin's & I got into about threefour shots but it wasn't Tequila at all I discovered the next day that the tequila label was taped on and I had been drinking someone's hi octane moonshine. But before I passed out I was sitting on my yoga mat laughing so stinking hard my gut was cramping and then suddenly I was crying just as hard as I'd been laughing. Right now I can almost see the moment in which the Universe became nonsensical . . . But only almost. I can't quite touch it. For now it's either the Simpsons or the Evening News . . . come on Seinfeld :D

Bablooga Floogristle

Hey, identify the flick:

"Skin that smoke wagon . . .
Jerk that pistol and go to work!

and this one:

Tie these chowderheads off to the boot
Biggern' a nine tit sow
I got a proper geegaw!

* * *


* * *

"Listening to Mozart makes your hiney pooch out
but listening to Bach makes it clench back in."

This website was established in 1996 as a creative outlet for we and our friends. If featured a guestbook, and later a community board(abandoned because of the endless popups, tho if everyone in the world would download POW, the popup killer from those WONDERFUL folks at )ANALOG X they'd probably visit & use the Community Board . The early Appalachian Station featured links to Sean, Irene(Piebald), Sparky(Kim) and Pixiecat(Sherri). Sean moved away and went to work in NYC and was a block away from the towers 9/11. He looked for a while but turned away because he didn't want to see people jump anymore. So he was turned away when the second plane hit. He thought then it must be a missile attack and ran and hid under the Brooklyn Bridge. I asked if he expected any post-traumatic stress disorders from the ordeal and he replied 'Nah'. Ten years before he was a valued colleague in the realm of space music and Bug music. He plays guitar and drums. He owned the first Ensoniq I ever played with- it was an EPS 16+. His mom was named Bette. Bette was a nurse and sang in a band called Cosmic Bush. She was a good friend. She died of cancer in 1992. Irene was then matriarch of the farm. She spent time as Sean's main squeeze. She once interviewed our band on local tv. Sparky travelled a bunch. She married Donald. Some of her stuff is here. Sherri was Faith's room mate back in the early 80s. She sang with Faith in a band called Travesty Her songbook was called 'Flygutz'. A tatter of Sherri remains here. The first issue also featured prominent mention of the flick
"Asphalt Junkie", a shoestring indie whose director, Bob, sought permission to use a song I'd written called, "I Want More". You can download the demo of that song by clicking here. That inaugural edition front page is long gone, but I found a page dating from two years later. Here it is. Forgive broken links if you peruse these pages, for they are cobwebs. Or do something akin to what they suggest you do in the liner notes of the vinyl Woodstock album, where they suggest you think of the lousy sound quality as something akin to the scars in fine leather, proof of the authenticity of the product.

Something Akin

Here we go. Okay, how about clueful
Or cluemore
or Reachie and the Crossleggers, or Ouchie and Ouchier, or The Cornteen - or Mother Tongue -or AngelFreak -or You Better -or The Huge Rugged Inn -or Grandmalia -or April Foam -or muddy footsock -or flying latigos -or LITTLE MEAL SLUT -or FREANKENSEX -or DRACULUST -or SLUTMEAL -or SLUTLUST -or DINKY STAB -or erin go braless -or SEXCAKE -or SEXBEER -or Henzo & The Nogginizer -or Night Grafitti -or spacely sprockets -or Think Tacks -or Mind gorillas -or Cross John Real -or BLOUIS - SPIKE - MOON - MUNCHIE - SIXPACK - BOOKER - DANNUM - BRUTUS HOOVER - Angelfreak - FOLLOWING AUTUMN - SOMBER SEPTEMBER - SALLOW SPRING - GASH ON THE SPOOK - THE BIG COCK RANDY MOUNTAIN - UNIVERSE GULCH - CHANCE'S LAST JUMP - MISBORN DRIVE IN HICKORY TOWN (Lancaster) - Interflicting With The Tensicals - WASTING HIGH -

I was checking out a white SG at Ray's guitar stand over to the Leesport Auction the day after Stevie Ray Vaughn died. Ray was in his seventies. Played '40s & 50s jazz guitar REAL well. Played everything in horn keys. Called 'A' a 'hillbilly chord'. When I mentioned SRV had died Ray responded, "Well God rest his soul, but now there's one less of 'em."

It ends where it begins, in a screaming splashdrop of deja vu, in the Stabletense Saloon, under the crossed flags, in the shadow of Stone Mountain.


EZ PULLY - the pully game made from Yoga! In the early morning, before the eaties, before the wickety-walk, and even before the pee n' poo, there's EZ Pully, the pully game made from Yoga! The neat thing is that all those activities end in 'Yay, Bodie!' and the vigorous clapping of our hands CONFESSIONS OF A FAILED NOVELIST

Answer mail first, to 'get it out of the way'
Reduce every sentence to it's bare essence

Writer's block leads to fabulous doodles
Failed novels lead to bad poetry

* * *


Things go faster behind you.
As you get older you build up speed.
Until you're PLOWING right through life like the Mach One through snow, increasing mass all the way
via the weight of your memories.
Days dont only come more quickly; they disappear behind you more quickly . . . .
Can you remember your last birthday? Does it seem like years ago?

* * *

Tulip: Now I lay me down to sleep
Sheilagh and John-John: Now I lay me down to sleep
Tulip: Pray the Lord my soul to keep
Sheilagh and John-John: Pray the Lord my soul to keep
Tulip: If I should die before I wake
Sheilagh and John-John: If I should die before I wake
Tulip: Pray the Lord my sould to take
Sheilagh and John-John: Pray the Lord my sould to take
And God Bless MeMommie, Poppy & Thelma, Mommy & Daddy, Nana & Grandpa, Sheilagh & John-John, and everybody, Amen.

(And night-night Teddy, and night-night Pinky, and night-night Tige. And please don't let me have Nightmares. And Please don't let me Sleepwalk. Thank You. The Threefold Amen - Amen, Amen, Ahhhhhhhh-ahhhhhhhhhhh-Men.)

* * *

MeMommie didnt like to see dead actors on tv. Poppy figured that two sheets of toilet paper were enough. MeMommie made me bacon sandwiches with mustard, and sweet sweet tea. When we visited we drew water from the well. Tulip wouldn't wear slacks when visiting her mom. She wore dresses.

* * *

When I was a kid a nickel would get me one piece of black licorice, one piece of red licorice,
four candy hats & a root beer barrel. The bus driver was named Henne, he owned Henne's Luncheonette. If you gave him a nickel for candy in the morning, he'd have it waiting on the bus in the afternoon. I'd eat it while playing with my King Zor or Fanner Fifty.

* * *

I've heard all the giblets like 'find your own voice' & 'write what you know', but y'know what? I don't think I HAVE a voice of my own. Too many times I've caught myself repeating a recently absorbed notion. I'm smart enough to know that others define me by what I spew & I only spew the best but. If I am what I eat & not what I spew . . . then what? I spew what I eat? All I know is that others have illustrated stuff so sublimely that it forced me to know it. Here are some books that did so:

The Hamlet
Lonesome Dove
The Tao Of Physics
The Dancing Wu-Li Masters
One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
Sometimes A Great Notion
The Joyous Cosmology
The Catcher In The Rye &
Nine Short Stories . . . Lion Hound
and short stories . . . Light Of Other Days, Dead In Irons, I Have No Mouth & I Must Scream, The Saliva Tree, Weyr Search . . . and even earlier: Rockets & Spaceships, a book from the 'fifties that my Nana unwittingly bought me TWICE.

. . . and suddenly so many more that what began as a list of reads in reverse chronological order has become in my mind a fudgy stockpile . . . no a hazy hodgepodge . . . no a sincere gumbo . . . of influential books and the specter of glaring omissions--

"I thought that when you killed a man, that finished it. But it don't. It just starts then." -- Mink Snopes

The same thing happens when you kill an idea. Then it begins . . . You know what they say, you gotta kill God to be God, you gotta best the Best to be Better, you bet lol

* * *

A Grand Illusion
A Grand Andalusion God
Tween Sensate

* * *

Get in here, boozy. You're late for your drunkening.

* * *


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If McMurtry's 'Lonesome Dove' needs to be savored like really good wine, then Faulkner's 'The Hamlet' is Jack Daniel's, and needs to be sipped

* * *

My name's Ty Bodie and I really like to chew
And I can chew your thumb and I can chew your shoe
And maybe I'll chew the rest of you
And if you try to hurt my mommy I'll DO YOU HARM
And if you try to hurt my daddy I'LL DO YOU HARM
My name's Ty Bodie and I like to shred stuff
And my bite's worse than my bark and my bark is pretty tough
And I like to play the pulley game
And then I lose interest
And then I'm really tired . . .

* * *

Dull Care & the Dark Undersides

* * *

Interdimensional Penetration

* * *

Marxy Pillager & the Socialist Benefactors

* * *

Grumblestilskin just grumblin' along like a grumblin' grumbleweed

* * *

I'm just a fun house reflection of what I see
I'm not even a real Modo
I'm just a Quasi Modo

* * *

If they can call Mcgriff the Crime Dog they can damn well call Rolen the Thompson Gunner, and Todd Pratt 'LeanEater'
. . . and Thome 'Marissa' lol

The Umpire evaluation machine should measure unpire inconsistency instead of the strike zone.

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* * *

1/10/03 How about that 'Hamlet' by wm faulkner. difficult sentence structure but the man knows how to hold a thought. I'm glad i struggled thru the first part 'Flem', because it seems to be only a set up for the second part, 'Eula', which is a flat-out amazing portrait of a young woman. If you start The Hamlet, stick with it till you get to 'Eula'. It's worth it imho - speaking of worth it, goddam i can't listen to the Dixie Chicks sing 'Travelling Soldier' without starting to cry. Easily the most heartbreaking track of the year thusfar.

Once you start rewriting, you're not able to stop. With each draft the fundamental banality and worthlessness of the material becomes more evident even as its vitality and spontaneity are drained from it. - Barry N. Malzberg

DREAMS 08/12/2001 A story about property rights in a New England village. The story ends, the camera takes us to the end of town. A river. The camera swings left and we look up the river. The river goes up into a forest of sugar maples. The camera swings the way we've come. The river is obscured by a hill or cliff. The right half of the screen is thus black, a perfect place for the credits to roll. The left half shows stately old homes through the trees. Just when the credits should roll someone in the car notices the policeman at the river end of town. We have to go back. A young policewoman in a police car swings through town. Something about animating inanimate objects? About the season?(autumn) About a chemical in the soil? We check old houses? I ask a man if the straps around my neck from my field recorder could suddenly begin to choke me and he says maybe. The end - a call from the funeral home - a cadaver is moving by itself. 09/02/2001 Young Dave burying the boys. 09/14/2001 A bar with dave and phil i order a pitcher and a glass it's expensive i get faith to pay cause i don't have my wallet i think it's the eagle hotel, but set up wrong the bartender looks like lew alter i have to pee and shake my weenie near a sleeping woman faith's shirt opens and i can see her breasts 09/24/2001 Big planes come overhead Ground fire starts shooting them down We steal a car and leave town venus comes with 09/25 or 26/2001 Talking to Natalie Maines Following her crawling through a barrel at a function like a Stonehedge Carnival or something. I'm in the past. Telling her that the Dixie Chicks are going to be HUGE. I'm from the future. 11/6/2001 Went to outdoor Tracy Lawrence concert at night. Lots of people, big dog, big tan dog wandering around. Indoor that night it's leesport auction place I have stuff there, boxes of stuff and old writings The boss there is named Bob. Stocky, brown beard, blue eyes He takes us home in a car with leather interior I'm in the back seat Bob keeps falling asleep behind the wheel Faith wakes him up Trucks come in the opposite direction 11/11/2001 Big Out door Party Holly Troutman in a room Seventies vibe She says later Outdoors Big yard. Lots of people Tybo running around being a pain in the ass Me saying hi to people Kenny and vicki and little blond girl sitting on the grass I say hi to them. As i pass by i yell back hi kenny, hi vicki, hi erin Thats not erin. it's Amanda (Or Adrian) I tell her she's pretty She's on the other side of long cafeteria table or something Then Black black clouds in raggedy tatters blow under sunny sky and white clouds It starts to rain like hell I run up to close windows it's at our old house in the new room above the porch behind sheilagh's room a guy is living in there and when i press my face to the glass he says get away, go away i'm trying to sleep, you're ruining my life and stuff he's got long hair and a beard shortish beard and wire rim glasses he climbs into a sleeping bag and tells me never to bother him again i close a window at the end of the hall I then go into what must be nana's room, where holly was to close those windows holly's not there but there are skis everywhere, skiis in the bathtub and all around the adjoining room is full of kids, kids sleeping kids watching three televisions that are all on at once, young ones and older ones. no holly, but there are dogs and many small ticks and insects all over the brown rug a kid has ticks in his hand i say give them to me many many little ticks i leave the room with two ticks in the palm of my hand 11/15/2001 Climbing to the Pinnacle, grassy, me and faith A big black dog, me on a bike, up the side of the hill then in a kind of church, in the back talking to jill i go front to sit in the pew just as collection plate is being passed i take a bite of hershey's kiss, it's inedible, i spit it out 11/28/2001 I'm at grandma and grandpas. faith has gone off somewhere for a long time, might not return AND i have a home in jalapa, in the complex where smitty used to live. I wonder if i can find the place. one of the bat boys (sherri's upstairs neigbhors in A-town, Fat kids that would shake the floors while shouting stuff like "YOU STOLE MY TWINKIE!! and smacking each others' heads into the floor above us YOU STOLE MY TWINKIE (smack-smack) -one of those fat sad dudes is there? someone like him, getting the mail? Suddenly it's me and nancy returning from somewhere after a loooong time guitars and pieces of guitars on tables upstairs, they belonged to people that used to hang out with us in the old days now it's a nancy dream, she's returned from somewhere and we're in the house we once shared. on a table in the back is a grilled cheese sandwich and a bowl of macaroni. i point out that mice haven't been there to eat 'em. i't a big house that's vaguely reminiscent of leesport. outside it's more like the place from the first dream in this document. hilly, trees My friends leave in two buses two buses go off in two different directions we're on the porch as the friends go away I offer the guys who remain on the porch some beer, but then LOTS of people come in, guys and gals and i don't have enough beers. I pull some pabst blue ribbons and a few pony rolling rocks and hand them out but there isn't enough In the downstairs refrig in the back are things that look like klondike bars but are really meats -- I go up onto the third floor to look for a beer, but the yellow refrigerator is ducktaped shut. 12/09/2001 Two dreams. In the first, Me and Faith have been kidnapped by a Spleef Weber look alike and his Coke head buddies, some guys and at least two women. Rainy outside. Spending a long time figuring the right moment to escape. I consider putting hot sauce on my fingertips and jamming my fingers into their eyes. Upstairs, a big dog. In a small room at the top of the stairs. Familiar place. Rainy outside. Second dream Grandpa has lost his car in the restaurant parking lot and Faith sees it, I go in and get Grandpa, meet the receptionist ladies, take Grandpa out, but it's not the right car anyway. 08/12/2001 A story about property rights in a New England village. The story ends, the camera takes us to the end of town. A river. The camera swings left and we look up the river. The river goes up into a forest of sugar maples. The camera swings the way we've come. The river is obscured by a hill or cliff. The right half of the screen is thus black, a perfect place for the credits to roll. The left half shows stately old homes through the trees. Just when the credits should roll someone in the car notices the policeman at the river end of town. We have to go back. A young policewoman in a police car swings through town. Something about animating inanimate objects? About the season?(autumn) About a chemical in the soil? We check old houses? I ask a man if the straps around my neck from my field recorder could suddenly begin to choke me and he says maybe. The end - a call from the funeral home - a cadaver is moving by itself. 12/14/2001 Volleyball party Squishy grass on court, muddy Gary starting a fire in a barrel Escaping through a bunch of baddies Swimming down a frozen river then running down frozen river then it's a road then hiding in a soybean field THE LAST TWO DREAMS OF 2001 Nana's home in NYC taken over by young toughs. and An explosion on an airplane overhead and it rains coins. 01/27/2002 The Dentist He was distracted. He gave me the novocain and it didn't hurt he drilled out the old filling but then he had to do something else. His little wounded black and yellow hummingbird was on the floor and I had to keep an eye on it so it wouldn't get stepped on. I had to wait while he cut out a little baggie of pot. He was dealing pot as well as practicing dentistry. I had to move dishes & forks and stuff from the dentist chair. it was just a regular chair. 02/18/2002 another take over the world dream the aliens were here i made the decision to hide their keys, two big big keyrings, i hid 'em behind books and left geerings to find faith i knew terry had a place near redners faith did too i had to walk at night with the shotgun james garner was at a secret base jack lord makes the nab in front of geerings house they are really dog people wonder why we're tougher than inhabitants of most planets. yellow eyes, doglike miami, bridge with sunglasses embedded 03/17/2002 A haunted house. Grey stone, cut stone, or cement, like a bank. Old. Sean had researched it. Nobleman had locked his daughter in a room for two years. It sprawled. Some of it was on the far side of the street. It was in a city or town. Sheilagh and some people were staying upstairs there. I needed to give her a newspaper but she was sleeping on a sofa and I couldn't find the page to turn the paper to and leave it there. The ghost was interefering with my ability to find the page. I said hell with it. Then we were staying in a different building. Some guy pointed out that the ghost would be pissed when he got home. "This is where he comes in. This is where he hangs his coat. This is where he crosses the floor. Young Dave had to change the pickups on his guitar!" Then Faith wants to take a shower. She goes off through this large, dirtfloor basement. I follow, saying I want to be with her. She says okay, but she's far ahead. I see a ghost but not her. She's disapppeared around a corner. The ghost vanishes as I approach. It's gloomy. Faith has gotten some stuff from a closet . . . 4/2002 A spamboree at the farm. Sean, Aj grandma joan troutman micki vicki cheryl mick luc gary inside washing dishes - gary d. grabs my nose, i say hi the beer tap is busted and spraying beer there's a big tv with dalmations on it tybo jumps at it and she's real big too grandma is upset, she's very thin, thin face like thelma Lady passed coffee around somebody hands me a vial of joints and says 'these are from sean' a kid who put finger on the steps and i said, 'have fun in school on monday' 4/02 Courtney and Steve walk by at an outdoor christian meeting Steve can walk we sang at the end, a big jolly guy with a white shirt got me in a bear hug and said, come on, sing. so I gave in and began to sing church songs with the christians. 09/03/2002 walking with george wagner up a mountain. He's carrying a big brown suitcase, which he slings off the side of the mountain. It lands beside the road far below. bernville fire hall, there is a dance. it is crowded with volunteer firemen and other folks. kenny is there and has these big glasses, one lens bigger than the other, that when you wear them it makes things appear to strobe. two women are at the bar, they are very unattractive, they begin to make out. neither are wearing underwear. now we are at john henne's gas station, but it is done up like a crash pad. a girl is showing her boobs, the hostess kicks us out. across the street, firemen need to borrow our bright red pickup truck. there is a gigantic playground/disneyland/carnival thing going on there across the road from john hennes. my job is to open a big gate to one of the areas. i get lost, some one gets hurt . . . 11/12/02 In a boat choppy water, to a glacier, vertical wall, opening. Inside an office. Luc throws an ashtray Mick in a fishnet shirt going to do a roofing job for Chuck.

* * *

Bablooga Floogristle
Rogue Combustion
Spum Sputum
Cranial Obligation
Smiley Brunette
no change in intent to deny sex occured.


. . . poor dumb white trash valentine.

can i make you an angel
can i clothe you in my dream

from her little tiny hiney to her perky bazooms
kooker's back in town!

in the bloodless morning something counterfeit turned

. . . you wearing your X of scar tissue we stand in the forest and
indicate each other once again

in golden motes of morninglight
i glimpsed the black ballet
from that dark dance, in horror,
i tore my eyes away

all i need is the air that i breathe and these handcuffs

ol brother boo whose kooker is beer
had a lung collapse but he didnt fear

here comes johnny with his pecker in his hand,
he's a one ball man and he's off to the rodeo. . .(from predator 2?)

dern good neighbor, dern good fence

whiskey kilt his yonderlust, whiskey kilt his tolerance

jealous much?

Parkie Sasser

Sometimes you feel for my nuts, sometimes you kneel for my futz

I'd rather bite a rook than right a book

sleek and oblique

a guy pulls out his glass eye for effect.

another guy reacts by saying "Oooh. Socket to me."

"He's not a real martyr."

"No, he's a K-Marter"


obsessed by sex and tortured by my art
Recycle Except we recycle near the prison and they use prisoners or used to And they were cool, really gathered around bo for some lovin didn't care what kind of cigarettes, just lots of matches Grandmaster Gimmee Oh Screamine Her hiney Gingol as is the human body, so is the cyberbody
as is the human mind, so is the cybermind
as is the cosm, so is the cybercosm
as is the universe, so is the cyberverse

a combustion of illusions
a buddha other than you
exultation of the possible

religious buttons
organ death
alcohol safety
bicycle dogs
geriatric trucking
interstate bible
Old Light, Rotten Light
outer darkness
midnite grafitti
In A Balmy Nation
High Times & Misty Meaners
Tensificals--as in The Tensificals of Big Clete
Clever Endeavor
Granny's Square Eyeball
Misguided Topical Bent
Muncle Wiggly
Morphic Resonance--(morphogenetic: form-creating)
Rom, you lass
and Ream Ass!
consummation devoutly to be missed
Hard Looks
Satisfaction, Conclusion, Inevitibility, Surprise

august 1998

the the hard on's a lonely hunter
with just one lonely eye
ring baloney yoni

spirit rot tentavirus
spank theory
'cuddliness' for 'cunnilingus'
a chilled grease sandwich
Gower of Shitterbend


Sum Buddy
Diva Den
Prod Dick
Remained Her

july, 1998

iris blitch you frigid bitch(for wanting to keep dick
and liz out of the country because they were
validate rape
Here, Virgil. Try some more of these butter beans
you blameless and your infernal stone casting
obsessed by sex and tortured by my art
and to be dull on the edsel livin' show
blurry scribble
station scrible
sgt scribble
sgt scrabble
sorry scribbler
sore blur
no change in intent to deny sex occured. 1/10 earlier Grandpa always said, "Give a man luck, and Shit'll do for brains". He also said, "If the dog hadn't stop to piss he would've caught the rabbit" I told him about the dog stopping at the pond to admire the bone in the mouth of his reflection, then trying to take the bone away from the reflection and ending up dropping his bone into the pond OPPORTUNITY W/WOODSY DRUMS


. . . poor dumb white trash valentine.

can i make you an angel
can i clothe you in my dream

from her little tiny hiney to her perky bazooms kooker's back in town!

in the bloodless morning something counterfeit turned
. . . you wearing your X of scar tissue we stand in the forest and
indicate each other once again

in golden motes of morninglight
i glimpsed the black ballet
from that dark dance, in horror,
i tore my eyes away

all i need is the air that i breathe and these handcuffs

ol brother boo whose kooker is beer
had a lung collapse but he didnt fear

here comes johnny with his pecker in his hand,
he's a one ball man and he's off to the rodeo. . .(from predator 2?)

dern good neighbor, dern good fence

whiskey kilt his yonderlust, whiskey kilt his tolerance

jealous much?

Sometimes you feel for my nuts, sometimes you kneel for my futz

I'd rather bite a rook than right a book

sleek and oblique

a guy pulls out his glass eye for effect. another guy reacts by saying "Oooh. Socket to me."

"He's not a real martyr."
"No, he's a K-Marter"



obsessed by sex and tortured by my art

as is the human body, so is the cyberbody
as is the human mind, so is the cybermind
as is the cosm, so is the cybercosm
as is the universe, so is the cyberverse

a combustion of illusions
a buddha other than you
exultation of the possible

religious buttons
organ death
alcohol safety
bicycle dogs
geriatric trucking
interstate bible
Old Light, Rotten Light
outer darkness
midnite grafitti
In A Balmy Nation
High Times & Misty Meaners
Tensificals--as in The Tensificals of Big Clete
Clever Endeavor
Granny's Square Eyeball
Misguided Topical Bent
Muncle Wiggly
Morphic Resonance--(morphogenetic: form-creating)
Rom, you lass
and Ream Ass!
consummation devoutly to be missed
Hard Looks
Satisfaction, Conclusion, Inevitibility, Surprise

august 1998

the the hard on's a lonely hunter
with just one lonely eye
ring baloney yoni

spirit rot tentavirus
spank theory
'cuddliness' for 'cunnilingus'
a chilled grease sandwich
Gower of Shitterbend

july, 1998

iris blitch you frigid bitch(for wanting to keep dick
and liz out of the country because they were
validate rape
you blameless and your infernal stone casting
obsessed by sex and tortured by my art
and to be dull on the edsel livin' show
blurry scribble
station scrible
sgt scribble
sgt scrabble
sorry scribbler
sore blur
no change in intent to deny sex occured.

Kriner's Swing
Dean Marberger

Gene Roth- traded a nice litte toy gun for a nice plastic dog from my farm set - Grandma: "Well he must really like that gun 'cause he sure loves those dogs!"

Bobby John- adventurous

Callie Bender & Florence ("I only have crumps")
Calvin Bender(butch)(cawtawn rodeo)
June Bender("pot pie")

Darlene Adams
Robert Hartz
Clarence Heffner
David Speicher (teased by Dawn Carson in fourth or fifth grade)
Dawn Carson, (Jim Carson's sister, Red Hettinger's girlfriend) She died shortly after she graduated.

Leroy Zellers (scraunchie)
Alvin Keeney
Ozzie Oswald
Benny Reed
Joey Bertram
Joyce Bertram
The Kites
Maureen Moriarity
Cindy Keppley
Teresa Keppley
Kay Blatt
Scatt Graeff
Bobby & Lester Moyer
Eric Troutman
Tommy Troutman
Holly Troutman
James Troutman
Curt & Christy
Benny Reed
Ozzy Oswald
Tobie Tobias
Sam Tobias
Mary Tobias (first color tv)
Muhlenburg Sportsman's Club
Jimmy & Joyce Bertram
Jack Reed
John Fox
Calvin Zerbe
Donald Emrich
Eddie Stump
Ronald Stamm
Dean Sweigart
Eddie Barrell
Eugene Miller
Ike Benzel
Terry Meredith
Pat Scholl
Karen Kroner
Jody Brooks
Suzy Atkins

My Grandma From South Carolina - MeMommie:
She had a book about the Titanic.
While visiting I received a big box of comics from one of my cousins. I was so grateful, I threw my self onto the pile of comics like the rat threw himself on the hardtack biscuit in that shipwreck survivor story.

I gave the comics to a black kid I met on the train home
Later I took my own reading material. One year I took a magazine article about Linda Eastman. Linda and Me. Read it grateful for the diversion.

Crosseyed Thelma - never noticed her crossed eye til I was older. She hit her head on a sewing machine? ? ?

In a house Poppy built. With a well

We'd take walks with our mom, me and mary louise. we called the road the May - Lou - Ez road?


My Memoirs
I was born in NYC, in Queens. I lived at 3511 Junction Blvd. I lied a LOT. I was a habitual liar.

the first time K tried pot, he said, "My neck's getting bigger!" luc thought gary was a mop, but then he moved

subway recall-
gwtw poster
candy newsstands
candy machines
yellow rolls royce poster

The canal crew

Mudballs along the Union Canal
Mick - leggalegga then they'll pull out a knife and KILL YA.
Motorcycle Wick Wack
Big Fat Guy
Cigarette from the Hippie
Lean To
Dinty Moore
Acid at lunch
Water sparkle

Missed the hockey game

yonnie covas

al la kunkle

Uncle Ben
Sam Speicher
Ricky Shultz
Jeff (Breedy)Pine (Birsh)
Jeff Rhoades
Skinny Sexy Secretary
Al Schoenbeck
Bill Semmel


My First Band:
Billy Huey
(first recorded tape of our band)

Second Band:
Richard Davis
Kenny Noecker
George Wagner

Third Band
Johnny Heffelfinger
Bill Pflueger
Jim Luckenbill

My Best Friends, Pre-School thru Sixth Grade. Gene Loeb
Robert Huey
Gene Roth
Eddie Barrell
Barry Shaw
Clarence Hefner
Lee Groff
Kenny Showers
Johnny Heffelfinger

Folks Who Gave Me A Hard Time -
The Benzels
Janice Krammes
Cheryl Ehrnfeldt
John Olesh

* * *

First Crush: That nice girl with brown hair. Marcia Kintzer? Short brown hair, sweet round face. From the One Room School House.

* * *

First Girlfriend - Susan Snyder

* * *

Mrs Koursarus, fourth grade. My second crush. short, round faced, sympathetic. Luke had a crush on her too.

* * *

Third crush: Louise Henke. Long wavy blond hair, slim, unatainable, unscalable, seemingly incased in a glowing wihite aura so that you couldnt even focus on her features, probably only the blur from looking away too quickly, because that eye contact like to burn me or melt me.

* * *

We'd follow her at a great distance at lunch break. Outside on the baseball and soccer fieldsm crouching behind scoreboards and trees, giggling and elbowing each other until her boyfriend threatened to kick our asses. (Ronald Stamm Mrs. Etchberger: "He said he'd kick us in the ass!" "Where, Ronald?" "IN THE ASS!")

* * *

First Boob. Slutty Donna, in ninth grade, at a school dance. By Accident. I was sitting beside her, nervous with my arm around her. I thought I was caressing her shoulder. I looked up and her slutty blond friend was staring at her with her hanging mouth open. I looked at her at her laughing eyes and smile, and then I looked past her to see why my competitor for her charms, Reber, had suddenly moved his arm from where it had circling her waist. That's when I noticed . . . it wasn't her round shoulder I was holding, my arm was all the way around front holding her BOOB. Right there in the cafeteria.

* * *

Gooshie Gechter - in fourth grade terry meredith broke his black bat and we, the guys in the class all pitched in to buy him a new one and at his first at-bat, he broke it.

* * *




* * *

Brian Speicher
Rodney Speicher
David Speicher
Shirley Speicher
Craig Showers
Lynn Degler
Les Degler
Barb Weiland
Scott Keener
Marcy Dautrich
Scott Graeff
Kriner's Swing
Dean Marberger

Grief comes in waves
worried-looking old folks
sleepy sound man over a dusty board
its polka time at the festplatz
day nine

two old farts, lookin' out their heads

The mountains soften and the wind sings through.
Jutland, where the teuton dwelt.

One eye knows, one eye wonders

Whore Moans

Sex naked and bright as a hexifier

Death's Head
Footbelly Clean
sleek and oblique, spongy pink
ribbon against tongue
creamy vat
little fleshy bone where pee comes out being bad
Want Me To Dunk You An Egg?
MY life a forest, each memory a tree
You wearing your X of scar tissue
In single woven aura we stand in the path and indicate each other once again
and when my days here peter out
i hope i have my peter out
and the form fit the function and the function fit the hand . . .
so write yourself, then

the odor of rotting mossa and vomit-covered babies
the odor of hot iron and tears


Night Shavoose
Swear Engine


it tingles when the phone's for you
it tingles when it isn't

you tingle when the phone's for her

the words splash like voided beer
thotstain on the clean whites
loose ends all frayed and dangling, tangling up this flat
sixty watt night

and finally it's not only time that is a-changin'
now it's dribbles
it dribbles
its dribbles

and it's concentrated

bring on the beer and diversion

Eye Contact Makes Me Horny

Are You not mad, my friend?
What time o' the moon is it?
Have you not maggots in your brain?
john fletcher: women pleased III iv. 1620

bring on the beer and diversion
cause there's no finer backdro for the tentative gesture
you know we met on the flipside

i was the one in the corner with the hooded eyes
and the hot red ears

you stoked my baby's furnace
with both hands

til it shone in her eyes
and flamed beneath her dress

now i dont know your name, or if you want to kill me
but just now i want to taste your woman's tongue
and she's thinking of you as she offers it

flowers in your baby-baby's hair
sapphire in her eyes

hey moon, wanna go out?
toenails clack and scrabble for purhase
thundering hoofbeats on the hard wood floor

brownflash broadslides around the corner
careens into the coffee table, upsets the lamp

wiggling at the backdoor
moon wants to go out
and he's off, bounding full tilt at first
lost in the joy of cool breeeze and open space
but hsoon his bounding gives way to a purposeful trot
nose close to the ground, evidencing his nooble coonhound ancestry
birds explode around his head but he dont see em
he's lost in the scent,
had to pull the booker form a ground hog hole hole once
nothin left but tail and two hid flegs still digging in

grabbed them legs and pulled
christ he was dirty
but he was smilin'

sum child

taken in by prison meter
strung out in non self

that which invades is in truth being banished

Joanie and the falcoath Box
The Mural Of St. Swine

The Crimsoned Bannered Twigweed

Arched Vows

You don't buy a bunch of Hack Freyley out of your hat.

* * *


Poets & Writers
Novel Advice
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare


Belief is induced by seeing and hearing habitually
To convey MEANING be precise and concise
To convey EFFECT, repeat and repeat
Saying it three times makes it so
The more subtle or unusual or intricate the emotion you seek to arouse the more often you must introduce episodes, descriptions or character touches which induce it

Number one swallowed Garthog. Number Two consumd Nezbol. Number Three housed the Utilities. Number Four is now my eyes. I am like sponge walls. I am resilient.

The Horror Joke
The Voider
The Thing that keeps you from ever letting go

Her weapon rent the Carigula's cape and we watched his army fall to soft powder at her feet.

I know some words. Little charms, no big deal. I just wanted to immobilize him. It was a little spell. I can't make people fucking disappear.

Maybe you dont know your own strength.

Irackoo. The Irackoo was beautiful women. But we had presence of mind and crystal clarity.

We leave you lord. said the wimmin, and they backed away into the dark green and chocolate woods

we searched for the trap we feared would spring. but nothing sprung

come back we suggested tentatively.

the irackoo returned. we return to you, lord. they watched us with soft, almost reverent eyes. We sprang back on guard. get back! they retreated instantly. come back we chanced. they did we smiled.

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